

Aveeno Intense Relief Therapy

I am insane with skin care/cosmetic products. I always want to try new things to enhance my skin conditions. Especially in Canada like -25C, heater in the house is mandatory. At the same time, my skin became very dry. My lips are chapped badly. I bought this product from shoppers. This product is not cheap, it's about $7 for a container of 5.7g lip balm inside. Compared with Petroleum Jelly, Aveeno lip balm is expensive. Due to the convenient size of Avenno, I gave a try to this product. I do recommend Petroleum jelly to mske a smaller size for portal use.

For the first use, this product is amazing. It quickly relieves the pain of my chapped lips where the lips are kinda torn with blood. Among other brands/products, the advantages of this balm are 1) it doesn't give greasy feel, 2) the balm stay on the lips to provide moisture longer. For example: I would still feel the blam on my lips after drinking without applying the balm again.3) it gives a mint on the lips.

The product in the container is the only thing that I concerned. I used my little finger to apply on my lips, and most of the time, I don't get a chance to wash my hands before use. It would be great if the product came in the lipstick container style.

Anyways, it is still the best lip balm I ever used!

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